The Kalam Effect

Friday, September 26, 2008

When do you go to an Astrologer?

When do you go to an astrologer?

Not when you are flying on a golden carpet. The person goes to Astrologer to find what is wrong for his troubles, sometimes without sufficient money to pay for his services. Now Astrologer finds lot of problems for him. Do you suggest that he will tell him what will happen, if he finds something 'terrible' to happen to him in next few months/years? What is the act of a doctor when he sees a very serious patient? Will he tell the relatives that the person will die in a day or two? Will not the doctor try to do his best or recommend the best for that person? Still do you stop going to doctors? You believe the doctor at the end of the road. You imagine that a doctor, who is a specialist will cost you more. Once nothing more could be done to the person in ailment, you rush to the 'best' and it is too late. Similarly, an Astrologer will not threaten you with dreaded results he could see in the horoscope. And, he suggests remedies or some sort of recommendation for you to gain confidence, that things will soften in course of time. Astrologer knows the truth. But he has to be careful not to destroy the little confidence you have on yourself.

How will the readings turn out o be?

Not all are bad. But if you pick 'bad' for your choice, none can help you, either. You can always get a crowd to blame anything in this world, still go to them for 'remedies'. They say what they learned. It is common in any profession. An advocate who knows that there is no 'strength' in the case, will still take it to fight in a court. He may lose the case, as he knows it well. He did not get 'justice' in court. You may not tell he had not done 'justice' to his profession.

So what is the final outcome?

Think of an Astrologer as a Soothsayer, telling the remote possibilities of good times. And if you can afford, pay for his time.

Note: See the survey I have put on this blog! About 5% wants to get free work done! I want to request those people to do some work for me free. If you are one of them, please email me!

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