The Kalam Effect

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Moon and the nodal points ( Rahu , Ketu )

The two nodes of the Moon -- the north and the south node -- play a very important part in astrology. The nodes are not planetary bodies, but mathematical points that take into account the relationship between the Sun, Moon, and Earth at the time of our birth. In the zodiac, they are always directly opposite each other and together they form the nodal axis.

The lunar nodes point to our personal karmic imbalance. The astrological theory behind the nodes of the Moon suggests that we all come into this world with some underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The north node represents qualities that we need to develop to find inner balance, while the south node points to personal character traits that are easy for us to fall back on. They represent life lessons that we consciously need to learn for increased happiness, fulfillment and personal success.

The nodal axis changes signs approximately every 19 months. Since December 18, 2007, the north node has been transiting through Aquarius with the south node in the opposite sign, Leo. On August 20 and 21, the nodal axis moves backward through the zodiac, and the north node moves from Aquarius into Capricorn, while the south node moves from Leo to Cancer.

Important advice for this transit: Get serious. Be brave! Work toward your goals. Instead of looking to others to take care of you, which is the south node in Cancer, north node in Capricorn means it's time to be an adult, step up, accept responsibility for both good and bad.

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