The Kalam Effect

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


If there is one act that could relieve you and change your destiny, it is the ancestor ritual called as Tarpan. Our departed ancestors are stored as sub-conscious patterns in our solar plexus area. They have the ability to bless us with positive vibrations flowing through us. When we indulge in wicked acts these good vibrations are not available to us and are effectively screened out by the smoke created by our acts. When you act virtuously and practice charity and devotion to God or the higher Light in all things, then you will have access to positive vibrations. These vibrations have the capacity to completely change who you are and bring incredible blessings into your love life, job, health and other important areas of your life.

The problem is that the "not so good" stuff that you have done in the past will not allow you to reap the benefits of being good in this current life. You have to do some cleansing rituals to counteract the negative karma and enable the blessings of your departed ancestors to reach you. This divine technology is called Tarpan (if you believe it)!

When and How to do Tarpan?

It is best to enlist the help of a pure priest to perform this ritual for behalf. Its effectiveness is increased when performed near the sea or other large water bodies. You would place 3 ounces of food as offering and chants some incoherent mantras, that is understood only to the divine.

The Tamil Siddhas of ancient India knew the reasons and benefits of performing Tarpan. They saw that derelict ancestral souls would be released and empowered, enabling you to receive their blessings. April 24th is New Moon day and represents one best possible opportunity to cleanse your negative patterns. On this day all ancestors are in an accessible wavelength and are enabled to bring enormous blessings by the correct performance of Tarpan.

This has to be done in person so don't get swayed away by online advertisements.

Instead of Tarpan, you may donate money to poor to gain mental peace. Please contact me to donate money.

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